我喜欢歼灭战! 我喜欢闪电战!
我喜欢打击战! 我喜欢防卫战!
我喜欢包围战! 我喜欢突破战!
我喜欢退却战! 我喜欢扫荡战!
平原! 街道! 堑壕! 草原!
冻土! 沙漠! 海上! 空中!
泥土中! 湿原上!
我喜欢排列整齐的炮兵, 一阵齐射, 伴随着轰隆声, 将敌阵炸烂!
当敌兵被震得飞到空中, 再被扫射成马蜂窝时, 我的心会兴奋起舞!
我喜欢坦克兵开着虎式坦克, 用88毫米大炮, 击破敌军的战车!
当敌兵哀号着, 从燃烧的战车中飞奔而出, 又被MG42机枪扫射而亡,
这一刻我的心情, 真是无限的畅快!
我也喜欢雄壮威武的步兵们, 用刺刀尽情蹂躏敌军的队伍!
尤其是, 当我看见陷入恐慌中的新兵们,
不断的反复的用刺刀, 刺入早已身亡的敌兵体内时, 最令我为之感动!
抱着败北主义想法的逃兵们, 被吊死在街灯上的样子, 另我忍不住一看再看!
哭号的俘虏们, 随着我发出命令的手势, 在撕裂金属般的MP40冲锋枪扫射声之下,
一个一个的倒地, 这感觉真是太棒了!
还抓着小武器, 试图做无谓抵抗的可怜家伙们.
我喜欢被苏俄耍得团团转! 因为拼命保护村庄的, 拖慢我军前进脚步的, 都是老弱病残,
他们被我们统统干掉, 这是多么哀伤的事啊!
我喜欢被美军用优势军力歼灭! 因为被美英攻击机追击,
像小虫一样爬在地上, 这真是莫大的屈辱啊!
各位! 我期待着战争, 一场像地狱一样的战争!
各位! 追随着我的大队战友们!
你们到底在期盼着什么? 现在,你们更想要战争了吗?
期盼一场毫不留情, 像大便一样的战争吗?
期望一场铁风雷雨狂吹猛打, 杀尽三千世界之乌鸦, 如同暴风雨一样的战争?
很好! 既然如此,那就战争吧!
我们浑身蓄积了力量, 如今, 握紧的双拳更加不能放下了!
然而, 我们却在黑暗深处, 忍耐了长达半世纪之久. 但是普通的战争, 已经无法满足我们!
大战争! 我要的是一心不乱的大战争!
我们只是一个大队, 一个不满千人的残兵部队! 但我深信, 各位全是身经百战, 以一当千的精兵!
因此, 我们的总兵力, 将是一百万人, 外加1人的强劲兵团!
叫醒那些意图把我们赶进被遗忘的历史, 但现在却还在睡大觉的人吧!
揪住他们的头发, 把他们拉出来, 帮助他们睁开眼睛想起过去!
让他们想起天与地之间, 还是有某些事情, 是他们的哲学无法解释的!
目标! 英国本土伦敦上空!
第二次海狮作战, 开始!
出征吧! 各位!
The Major:
"Gentlemen, I Love var.
Gentlemen, I LOVE VAR.
Gentlemen. I SO LOVE VAR
I Love Holocaust.
I Love Blitzkrieg.
I Love Onslaught.
I Love Defensive.
I Love Besiegement.
I Love Breakthrough.
I Love Retreat.
I Love Mop-Up
I Love Vithdrawal.
On the Plains, in the Streets
In the Trenches, on the Prairies
On the Tundra, In the Desert,
On the Sea, In the Sky
In the Mud, In the Svamp
I cherish each and every vay varcan be vaged on this Earth.
I love the thunderous roar of all artillery arrayed at the battle line firing at once. As it blows avay the enemy line.
My heart dances ven the bodies of enemy troops are hurled in the air in pieces from a direct hit.
I love it ven a Tiger tank smashes un enemy tank vith its 88mm Cannon.
It left a varm feeling in my chest vhen the enemy soldiers vould jump SCREAMING from the blazing tank, only to be mowed down by Machine Gun fire.
I love it ven the infantry ranks OWERRUN the enemy line, Bayonets first.
It moves me ven I remember the sight of a new recruit in a state of panic, stabbing un already dead enemy soldier over und over.
I can hardly contain myself, think of hanging the defeatist deserters from streetlights.
Und it ist superb ven the enemy prisoner screams in time vith the shriek escaping from the SCHMISSER I hold as I mow him down.
I even remember distinctly the 4.8 ton shrapnel shells from the DORA pulverizing whole city blocks. Vhere the Pitiful Resistance fighters heroically stood up against us vith their assorted small arms.
I love the Russkie armoured divisions thrown into disorder.
It ist a very very sad thing ven the villages they should haf protected to the death are owerrun und the vomen und children are wiolated und kiled.
I love the English und American Var machiness being crushed und annihilated. Their creeping about on the ground like vermin, chased by the JABO, ist the height of humiliation.
I vish to see a var vorthy of one in hell itself.
Gentlemen, my battalion of comrades who follow me. Ray tell, vat do you wish for?
Do you vish for var as a matter of course?
Do you vish for a merciless shitlike var?
Do you vish for a stormlike conflict vich runs the gamut of blowing steel und striking flame, killing ewery crow in the entire vorld?
The assembled Nazi Vampiric soldiers:
The Major:
Very vell.
All our strength ist held in a clenched fist, poised to strike. But for ve who haff continued to endure a whole half century in the depths of these dark shadows a simple var will NO LONGER DO!!
Ve are merely one Battalion, no more than a thousand troop remnants. But I believe that you are all matchless hardened weterans. So, gentlemen, together ve are un army as powerful as a million regular soldiers.
Let us rouse those slumbering ones who drove us into the realm of forgetfulness. Let us seize them by their hair, drag them down, open their eyes, und make them remember.
Ve shall male them remember the taste of terror.
Ve shall make them remember the sound of our var boots.
Ve shall remind them that something in the interval between heaven und earth they don't even recall vith their philosophy does indeed exist.
The Kampf Gruppe of a thousand vampires...
vill burn the vorld to a crisp.
Commence Operation of all flaps. Flagship Deus Ex Machina starting up.
Release all vires und restraining cords.
This ist Kommandant of the Letztes Batailion to the entrie air fleet.
Our objective ist the skies over the British mainland Capital, LONDON!!
Commence preperation for Operation Sea Lion 2.
22 小時前